Kristin Kolterman


Siesta Key, FL, USA


As Creative Director & Retreat Curator for SoulFlow™ Embodiment and Andee Love Inc., there is a special place in her heart for the work that we do here and the Practitioners that join this movement.

Many of you reading this know her as “KK”, Andee’s right hand girl and support behind the direction + development of AL INC. and SoulFlow™. Our small & mighty team make it happen. Her greatest asset is her humanness and logistics are her jam. She encourages collaboration + co-creation within business catching the visions and ideas of others both BIG and small. Her zone of genius is support … in dreaming, organizing, and planning of outside the box business models & curation of Signature SENSORY Experiences 💫 Mostly behind the scenes, you can find Kristin as your biggest cheerleader, championing the efforts of the brand and its ambassadors.

Her background is not in the coaching industry but rather in product development, branding and design (She was once even a shoe cobbler 👠!!). So her lens comes into a project a lil different, and a lil Italian, with her unique career serving this space for all sorts of visions to flourish. Kristin is an artist, creative, and an idea executor. She will be joining us as a Trainer for SFMP - helping you to dream a lil bigger to bring your classes, sessions, and immersive experiences to life!

Something that words can not describe happens in the room with this practice and our practitioners leading the space. Kristin obviously has a unique seat and perspective but is constantly MOVED by watching SoulFlow™ in action.  She has experienced it for herself as a client AND as first hand support. Don’t underestimate the power of this practice! There is no other place she would rather be than with the community of women who gather in this space and supporting ever ounce of this modality so others can experience liberation in their bones & bodies.

”The practice of SoulFlow™ Embodiment has forever changed the way in which I approach the world. The awareness I have co-created in my body, understanding it's language, and the support to follow those nudges are the greatest gifts I have received.”

Upcoming Events with Kristin

Samantha Suhr